Digital Reflections helps mining companies stand out from the crowd with state-of-the-art, high-end 3D fly-through animations. Whether your project is a large established mine, well-advanced exploration soon to become a mine, or just in the early stages needing visualisation to plan further exploration, Digital Reflections will present your project at the highest technical and visual quality, maximizing both understanding and impact for viewers, investors and analysts.
We’re all about geology meets high-tech computing. As far back as 1995, we were giving the latest technology to the mining industry to help you get your message out. Today, we help mining companies move into 3D graphics and animation, to set themselves apart from the boring 2D maps and diagrams that pervade typical presentations and web sites. You deal in 3D data by nature, and static 2D diagrams just don’t cut it anymore. You need 3D animation to stand out!
There are 2 interrelated parts to what we do...
1) 3D Modelling - Using your geological, geochemical, geophysical and drilling data, we can build detailed 3D models of the zones of mineralisation, and possibly other models for 3D magnetics etc. You almost certainly do some 2D/3D modelling in-house, and we can definitely use your models in our 3D animations, but a fresh, independent set of eyes can be very useful, as many of our customers have found (eg: DGR Global / SolGold, see below). The output of this work is a set of 2D and 3D data files for your geologists, enabling them to better plan future exploration. Drilling is expensive, really expensive, so take the guesswork out and avoid unnecessary drilling by visualising in 3D early. Don’t waste drillholes – drill where it matters, drill where it works! You’d be amazed how much you’ll save.
2) Fly-Through 3D Animations - Using either your own 3D models or the models constructed above, plus other items such as terrain data, satellite photos, drill core photos, 3D pit designs etc, we produce polished fly-through 3D animations for displaying at conferences and on your company’s web site – ideal for impressing investors and stockbrokers. While you probably do some in-house modelling, chances are you don’t have the people, tools or experience to do high-quality animations, and this is not a place to mess about – the animations need to look good to impress investors! Outsource to experts and save employment costs, expensive software and a steep, painful learning curve. We can even deliver several versions of your animation if you wish, such as a long version for your web site and conference booth, plus shorter versions of key parts for your PowerPoint presentation (eg: a satellite zoom-in showing location and tenements, a second for surface geochem, a third with drillholes and resource models, a fourth with pit designs and infrastructure).
Some Examples...
Here are some examples to get you thinking about the features you might like in your 3D animation. If you have some other effect or visualisation in mind, don’t be afraid to ask!

Winner of "Digger of the Year" at the famous Diggers & Dealers mining forum in 2017, this animation showcases St Barbara’s Gwalia mine, Western Australia’s deepest underground gold mine. Click to play...

Explaurum’s Tampia exploration project found not just a new gold mine, but potentially an entirely new gold field in Western Australia, in case there weren’t already enough! Click to play...

Halfway between the bright lights of Las Vegas and the calm city of Phoenix, slap bang in the middle of the Arizona desert, lies one of the highest-grade copper deposits in the world, New World Resources’ Antler. Click to play...

Nova Minerals’ Estelle Gold Trend could well be the next major find in Alaska’s prolific Tintina Gold Belt, a province which hosts over 220 million ounces of gold endowment! Click to play...

Queensland’s famous Century zinc mine was the third largest zinc mine in the world, and it still offers potential during its rehabilitation, with the tailings dam alone providing a substantial deposit. Click to play...

Empire’s Penny’s Find gold project shows the famous nearby Kalgoorlie "Super Pit", drilling and resource model, pit design with our signature "pit-plunge" effect, and underground mine design. Click to play...
Old Classics...
Although slightly less polished than our more recent work, we keep a few "oldies" online for sentimental reasons.

This animation was said to be a "major factor" in saving the CSA Cobar copper mine from possible closure during Glencore’s low point in 2015. Less than 4 years later, the mine was valued at almost a billion dollars. Our animations often have a big effect, but it would be hard to beat that for real-world impact! Click to play...

The star of a 2013 Sydney Mining Club meeting, this animation was the debut of our "pit-plunge" effect, which has become our signature effect. Thanks to Chesser’s strong presence at conferences and its CEO’s dynamic presentation style, this animation had a lot of exposure. You could say this was the one that made us "famous". Click to play...

The star of the 2011 Brisbane Mining Resources convention, this is a slightly updated version of the animation that started it all and first got us into this work. It was quite a left-field thing at the time, both for us and for the mining industry, in which 3D graphics and animation were rarely used back then. Click to play...
Our 3D animations are visually impressive, but also 100% technically accurate, often delighting geologists just as much as investors, and our 3D geological modelling services (above and below) can be a valuable set of independent eyes. As just one example of how you can benefit from 3D modelling and animation on multiple fronts, in 2011 we completed a project for D’Aguilar Gold (now DGR Global / SolGold), covering 4 years of drilling at 3 prospects. The 3D animation attracted attention and impressed investors, AND the 3D modelling delineated several mineralised zones, including a possible large untested zone – easy to miss in the mass of data, but obvious when viewed in 3D! This was then used to precision-target new drillholes, which produced outstanding results, dramatically increasing the size of the defined mineralisation! Several of our customers have had similar experiences, often saying that just seeing the data from so many different angles and viewpoints allowed them to see relationships they had previously missed.
Our reputation for quality, reliability and on-time delivery, earned over the past 25+ years, means we won’t let you down. We’ve never missed a deadline and never run over budget. You can count on us!
Money Back Guarantee!
We’re so sure you’ll love the results,
you can pay nothing if you’re not satisfied.
Email us now at geomodel@reflections.com.au