Australasian Mining & Exploration Companies With World Wide Web Sites
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3D Resources
A1 Minerals
ABM Resources
ABRA Mining
A-Cap Resources
Accent Resources
Acclaim Exploration
Adamus Resources
Adelaide Brighton
Adelaide Energy
Adelaide Resources
Aditya Birla Minerals
Admiralty Resources
Advance Energy
Advanced Magnesium
AEON Metals (formerly Aussie Q Resources)
African Energy Resources
AGL Energy
Agri Energy
Aim Resources (now Blackthorn Resources)
AKD (now Indo Mines)
Alara Resources
Alamar Resources
Alcaston Mining
Alchemy Resources
Alcyone Resources
Alexander Resources (now Castlemaine Goldfields)
Alkane Resources
Alliance Resources
Alligator Energy
Allied Gold
Alloy Resources
Allstate Explorations
Altera Resources
Altius Mining
Altona Mining (merger between Vulcan & Universal Resources)
Altura Mining
Aluminex Resources
Amadeus Energy
Amex Resources
Ampella Mining
Anchor Resources
Andean Resources
Anglo Australian Resources
AngloGold Ashanti
Anglo Pacific Group
Anomaly Resources
Anvil Mining
Antares Energy
Antipa Minerals
Anzon Australia (now Roc Oil)
Apac Coal
Apache Corporation
Apache Energy Corp
Apex Minerals
Aphrodite Gold
Apollo Gas
Apache Corporati
Apollo Minerals
Aquarius Platinum
Aquila Resources
Arafura Resources
Aragon Resources

![[ARC Exploration ]](ARCExplorationTh.gif)
ARC Exploration (Formerly Austindo Resources Corp. )
ARC Exploration (ASX Code ARX) is focusing on primary gold exploration in Indonesia. ARX aims to aggressively explore for, discover and define high-grade epithermal gold-silver and/or bulk tonnage porphyry copper-gold resources on the Company’s existing tenements in Java and Sumbawa and to acquire, explore and define resources in new projects within the highly prospective Indonesian magmatic arcs which are relatively underexplored and are highly prospective for precious and base metals. In addition ARX has a strategic alliance with Anglo American which provides ARX with not less than a 20% interest in new projects - prospective for large copper/gold porphyry deposits in West Papua. |
Archer Exploration
Argo Exploration
Argosy Minerals Inc
Arc Energy (now subsidiary of AWE)
Argentina Mining
Argent Minerals
Argonaut Resources
Ark Mines
Arrow Energy
Artemis Resources
Aruma Resources
Ashanti Goldfields (now AngloGold Ashanti)
Ashburton Minerals
Aspire Mining (formerly Windy Knob Resources)
Aston Resources
Astro Resources
Athena Resources
Atlantic Gold
Atlantic Limited
Atlas Iron
Atom Energy
Atomic Resources
Atticus Resources
Attila Resources
Augur Resources
Audax Resources
Augustus Minerals
Aura Energy
Aurium Resources
Aurora Oil & Gas
Aurox Resources
Auselect (now Lion Selection Group)
Ausmon Resources
Aussie Q Resources
Austex Oil
Austin Exploration
Austindo Resources Corp (now ARC Exploration)
Austpac Resources
Austral Africa Resources
Austral Coal (now Centennial Coal)
Austral Gold
Australia Minerals and Mining Group
Australia Oriental Minerals
Australian-Canadian Oil Royalties
Australasia Consolidated
Australasian Resources
Australian Bauxite
Australian Energy Developments (now AED Oil)
Australian Gemstone House
Australian Gold Investments
Australian Mines
Australian Oil Company
Australian Renewable Fuels
Australian Worldwide Exploration
Australian Zircon
Australis Mining
Auzex Resources
Avalon Minerals
Avanco Resources
Avenue Resources
Aviva Corporation
Avoca Resources
AXG Mining
Axiom Mining
Azumah Resources
Azure Minerals
Backreef Resources
Bailey Minerals
Balkans Gold (now Clean Global Energy)
Ballarat South Gold
Bandanna Energy (formerly Enterprise Energy)
Baraka Petroleum
Bannerman Resources
Barra Resources
Barranco Resources
Base Resources (formerly Base Iron)
Bassari Resources
Bass Metals
Bass Strait Oil
Batavia Mining
Bathurst Resources
Bauxite Resources

BCD Resources
BCD Resources (ASX code BCD) is an Australian listed gold producer generating strong cash flow from annual gold production in excess of 70,000 ounces from the Tasmania Mine in northern Tasmania. It has copper resources in western Victoria on which an economic scoping study has been completed. The company is focused on extending the life of the Tasmania Mine, discovering, developing and acquiring assets such as gold, copper and other base metals. |
BC Iron
Beach Energy
Beacon Minerals

![[ Beaconsfield Gold ]](BCD.jpg) |
Beaconsfield Gold (now BCD Resources )
BCD Resources (ASX code BCD) is an Australian listed gold producer generating strong cash flow from annual gold production in excess of 70,000 ounces from the Tasmania Mine in northern Tasmania. It has copper resources in western Victoria on which an economic scoping study has been completed. The company is focused on extending the life of the Tasmania Mine, discovering, developing and acquiring assets such as gold, copper and other base metals. |

![[ Bemax Resources ]](thumbnailBMX.jpg) |
BeMaX Resources
Bemax is one of Australia's premier mineral sands miners. Bemax's mining and mineral separation operations are located in two significant mineral sands provinces in Australia namely, the Murray Basin and south west Western Australia. |
Beadell Resources
Bendigo Mining (now Unity Mining)
Berkeley Resources
Bighill Resources
Black Fire Energy
Blackgold International
Blackham Resources
Black Range Minerals
Black Ridge Mining
Black Mountain Resources
Blackthorn Resources (formerly Aim Resources)
Blina Diamonds
Blue Energy
Bluestone Tin (now Metals X )
BMA Gold (now Gold One International)
Bonaparte Diamond Mines
Bondi Mining
Boral Energy
Boss Energy
Botswana Metals
Bougainville Copper
Boulder Steel
Bounty Mining
Bounty Oil & Gas
Bow Energy
Bowen Energy
Bowgan Minerals
BPH Energy (previously BioPharmica Limited)
Breakaway Resources
Brighton Mining
Brockman Resources
Broken Hill Prospecting
Brumby Resources
Buccaneer Energy
Buchanan Resources
Buka Gold (now Fe Ltd)
Bulletin Resources
Bullion MInerals (now Uranium Equites)
Burey Gold
Burleson Energy
Buru Energy
Buxton Resources
Caledon Resources PLC
Callabonna Uranium
Caltex Australia
Cambrian Mining
Canyon Resources
Cape Alumina
Cape Lambert Iron Ore
Capital Mining
Carabella Resources
Carbine Resources
Carbon Energy
Carbon Minerals
Carnavale Resources
Carnarvon Petroleum
Carnegie Wave Energy
Carpathian Resources
Carpentaria Exploration
Carrick Gold
Caspian Oil & Gas
Castlemaine Goldfields
Castle Minerals
Catalpa Resources
Catalyst Metals
Cauldron Energy
Cazaly Resources
CBD Energy
CBH Resources
Centamin Egypt
Centaurus Metals
Centennial Coal Company
Centius Gold
Central Asia Gold (now CGA Mining)
Central Asia Resources
Central Petroleum
Central West Gold
Centrex Metals
CGA Mining
Chalice Gold Mines
Chameleon Mining
Chesser Resources
China Magnesium Corp
China Steel Australia
China West International Holdings
China Yunnan Copper Australia
Chrome Corporation
Chrysalis Resources
Chrysoprase Mines of Australia

![[ Gateway Mining ]](gatewaythumb.jpg) |
Gateway Mining
Gateway (ASX code GML) is a gold and base metal explorer with a substantial portfolio of projects including Gidgee in WA, Cowra in NSW and within the Mt Isa and Hodgkinson Basin regions of Qld. |

![[ Gippsland Offshore Petroleum]](logothumbgop.jpg) |
Gippsland Offshore Petroleum
The Company was formed in 2004 as an oil and gas exploration company. Our key exploration projects in Jamaica, Kenya and recently Madagascar and France are being aggressively progressed giving investors in Gippsland Offshore opportunities to share our success in the near term. |
Giralia Resources
Gladiator Resources
Glengarry Resources
Global Geoscience
Global Nickel Investments
Global Petroleum
Globe Metals and Mining
Globe Uranium
Glory Resources
Gloucester Coal
GMA Garnet Pty
GME Resources
Gold Anomaly (was Gold Aura)
Golden Cross Resources
Golden Deeps
Golden Gate Petroleum
Golden Iron Resources
Golden Rim Resources
Golden State Resources
Golden Tiger Mining
Gold One International
Golden West Resources
Gold Mines of Peru
Gold Road Resources

![[ Goldsearch ]](goldsearchthumb.jpg) |
Goldsearch (ASX Code GSE) is currently undertaking grass roots exploration for high-grade gold, base metals and uranium deposits in eastern Australia and for nickel in central Australia through joint venture at its Musgrave Project. |
Gunson Resources
GVM Metals (now Coal of Africa )
Haddington Resources (now Altura Mining)
Hampton Hill Mining
Hampton Mining
Hancock Prospecting Pty
Handini Resources
Haoma Mining
Haranga Resources
Harmony Gold Mining Company
Havilah Resources
Hawkley Oil and Gas
Hawthorn Resources
Hazelwood Resources
Heemskirk Consolidated
Helix Resources
Hemisphere Resources
Herald Resources
Heritage Gold NZ
Heron Resources
Highlands Pacific
Hill End Gold
Hillgrove Resources
Hindmarsh Resources (now Mega Uranium)
Hitec Energy
Hodges Resources
Horizon Oil
Horseshoe Metals
Hot Chili
Hot Rock
Hudson Resources
Hunnu Coal
HWE Mining
Iamgold Corporation

![[Icon Energy ]](IconTh.jpg) |
Icon Energy
Icon's (ASX Code ICN) core business is now focused on the coal bed methane gas reserves in permit ATP 626P in the Surat Basin in Queensland. A preliminary estimate of the gas in place is now estimated to be in the range of 2.00 to 7.00 trillion cubic feet (TCF). |
Icon Resources
Iluka Resources
Image Resources
Impact Minerals
Impress Energy
Imperial Corporation
IMX Resources
Incremental Oil and Gas
Indago Resources
Independence Group
India Resources
Indo Mines
Indochine Mining
Indophil Resources
Industrial Minerals Corporation
Innamincka Petroleum
Integra Mining
Integrated Resources
Intermin Resources
International Coal Holdings (formerly Straits Resources)
International Petroleum
InterOil Corporation
International Base Metals
International Goldfields
International Resource Holdings
Interra Resources
Intrepid Mines
Invictus Gold
Ironbark Gold
IronClad Mining
Iron Mountain Mining
Iron Ore Holdings
Iron Road
Ishine International Resources
Ivanhoe Australia
Ivanhoe Mines
Jabiru Metals
Jacka Resources
Jackson Minerals (now Cauldron Energy)
Jaguar Minerals
Jameson Resources
Jervois Mining
Jindalee Resources
Jupiter Biofuels
Jupiter Energy
Jupiter Mines
Kagara Zinc
Kagera Nickel
Kairiki Energy
K2 Energy
Kalgoorlie-Boulder Resources (now Matsa Resources )
Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mines (now The Super Pit)
Kangaroo Metals
Kahgaroo Resources
Karoon Gas Australia
Kasbah Resources
Kentor Gold
Key Petroleum
Kidman Resources
Kilgore Oil & Gas
Kimberley Diamond Company (now Gem Diamonds)
Kimberley Metals
Kimberley Rare Earths
King Island Scheelite
King Solomon Mines
Kingsgate Consolidated
Kings Minerals
Kingsrose Mining
Kintore Resources
Korab Resources
Krucible Metals
Kula Gold
KUTh Energy
Lachlan Star
Laconia Resources
Laguna Resources

![[ Lakes Oil]](LKOthumbnail.gif) |
Lakes Oil
Lakes Oil (ASX Code LKO) is the oldest Australian oil and gas explorer still operating in the country, with exciting prospects in Victoria, South Australia, Queensland, Northern Territory, USA and New Zealand. |
Lake Resources
L&M Energy
L&M Petroleum
Latin Gold
Latin Resources
Latrobe Magnesium
Lawson Gold
Lefroy Resources
Legacy Iron Ore
Legend Mining
Leyshon Resources
Liberty Resources
Lihir Gold
Linc Energy
Lincoln Minerals
Lindian Resources
Lion Energy
Lion Selection Group
Liontown Resources
Liquefied Natural Gas
Lithex Resources
Lodestar Minerals
Lodestone Exploration Pty
Lonrho Mining (ex Nare Diamonds)
Longreach Oil
Lucknow Gold
Luiri Gold
Lynas Corporation

![[ Macarthur Coal]](MCCthumbnail.jpg) |
Macarthur Coal
Macarthur Coal is an Australian resources company developing a new generation of coal assets in Queensland’s Bowen Basin. |

![[ MACMIN SILVER ]](mmnthumb.jpg) |
Macmin Silver (now Alcyone Resources )
MACMIN (ASX Code MMN) is a silver focussed company with silver mine development proposed at Texas, SE Queensland, Australia
Macphersons Reward Gold
Macquarie Harbour Mining
Magellan Petroleum Corporation

![[ Malachite Resources]](malachitethumb.jpg) |
Malachite Resources Limited
Malachite (ASX Code: MAR; Frankfurt Code: MUW.F) is a successful explorer and emerging miner. The company is focussed on gold, silver, tin and copper in eastern Australia. Malachite’s flagship project is the CONRAD SILVER MINE in northern NSW. Conrad comprises a silver-rich, polymetallic vein deposit, with a drilled resource of 19 million silver equivalent ounces; the deposit is open at depth and along strike and resource drilling continues. |

![[ Minotaur Exploration]](MEPthumbnail.gif) |
Minotaur Exploration
Minotaur Exploration is a mineral explorer with an experienced and highly successful management team. Minotaur's objectives are to maximise shareholder returns through the discovery and development of new mineral deposits. We aim to achieve this by applying the knowledge and techniques used to discover the Prominent Hill deposit in exiting new exploration plays. |

![[ Mithril Resources]](MTHthumbnail.gif) |
Mithril Resources
Mithril is committed to creating shareholder value through the discovery and development of nickel–copper sulphide deposits in Australia. Mithril has a valuable strategic alliance with BHP Billiton ’s wholly owned subsidiary BHP Billiton |

![[ Mount Burgess]](MTB.gif) |
Mount Burgess Mining Mt Burgess (ASX Code MTB) currently has an interest in three active projects situated in Australia, Namibia and Botswana, all of which are currently being explored. Additional ground has also been applied for in Australia which is still subject to grant. |


Nagambie Mining - The Victorian Gold Explorer
Currently the company holds over 500 sq km of exploration tenements in Central Victoria encompassing several historic goldfields and is utilising historical studies, field investigations and geological modelling to assist development of new structural interpretation and mineralisation concepts to highlight areas for early drilling programs. |


Panaegis Gold Mines (now Nagambie Mining ) - The Victorian Gold Explorer
Currently the company holds over 500 sq km of exploration tenements in Central Victoria encompassing several historic goldfields and is utilising historical studies, field investigations and geological modelling to assist development of new structural interpretation and mineralisation concepts to highlight areas for early drilling programs. |
PANAX Geothermal
Pan Asia Corporation
Pan Australian Resources
Pancontinental Oil & Gas
Pan Pacific Petroleum
Panoramic Resources
Papillon Resources
Paradigm Gold
Paramount Mining Corp
Pasminco (now OzMinerals via Zinifex)
Paynes Find Gold
Peak Oil & Gas
Peak Resources
Peel Exploration
Pegasus Metals
Pegmont Mines
Pelican Resources
Pelsart Resources
Peninsula Minerals

![[ PepinNini Minerals ]](PepinniniLogosm.jpg) |
PepinNini Minerals
The Company has secured strategically located exploration tenements in the Musgrave and Curnamona Provinces of South Australia, the Woolgar Goldfield/Georgetown Iier of Queensland and the Robinson Range Iron Ore Province of Western Australia.. |

![[ Petratherm]](Petrathermthumb.gif) |
"Petratherms mission is to explore for and then develop, emission-free, geothermal energy that is commercially sustainable"


Phoenix Copper
Highly prospective Projects located near Burra, Spalding and Miaton in South Australia - some of Australia's most historically significant and prospective mining regions. |


Phoenix Gold
Phoenix Gold (ASX Code: PXG) is a new Western Australian gold company exploring and developing mines along the prolific Zuleika and Kunanalling shear zones, northwest of Kalgoorlie in Western Australia. |
Phosphate Australia
Pike River Coal
Pilbara Minerals
Pioneer Resources
Placer Dome (now Barrick)
Planet Gas
Planet Metals
Platina Resources
Platinum Australia
Pluton Resources
Plymouth Minerals
PMI Gold
Polaris Metals
Polymetals Mining
Portman (now Cliffs Natural Resources Inc)
Poseidon Nickel
Potash West
Power Resources
Po Valley Energy
Prairie Downs Metals
Primary Resources
Prime Minerals
Precious Metals Australia (now Windimurra Vanadium )
Predictive Discovery Limited
Prosperity Resources
Proto Resources & Investments
Pryme Oil & Gas
Pure Energy Resources
Q Copper
Quantum Resources
Quay Magnesium
Queensland Alumina
Queensland Energy Resources
Queensland Gas Company
Queensland Gold and Minerals (now Orion Metals)
Queensland Mining Corporation
Queensland Ores (now Planet Metals )
Quest Minerals
Quest Petroleum
Radar Iron
Ramelius Resources
Ram Resources
Rand Mining
Range Resources
Range River Gold
Rawson Resources
Redbank Copper
Red Fork Energy
Red Emperor Resources
Red Hill Iron
Red Metal
Red October Resources
Red River Resources
Red Sky Energy
Red 5
Redstone Resources
Reed Resources
Reedy Lagoon Corporation
Regalpoint Resources
Regis Resources
Renaissance Minerals
Renaissance Uranium
Renison Consolidated Mines
Republic Gold
Resolute Mining
Resource and Investment
Resource Base
Resource Generation
Resource Mining Corp
Resource Star
Revere Mining (now Enterprise Metals )
Reward Minerals
Rex Minerals
Rey Resources
Rialto Energy
Richmond Mining
Riedel Resources
Rift Valley Resources
Rimfire Pacific Mining
Rio Tinto
Riviera Resources
Riversdale Mining
RMA Energy
Robust Resources
Roc Oil Company
Rocklands Richfield
Roma Petroleum
Rox Resources
Royalco Resources
Royal Resources
Rubianna Resources
Rubicon Resources
Rum Jungle Uranium
Rusina Mining
Sabre Resources
Salinas Energy
Salisbury Resources
Samson Oil & Gas
Sandfire Resources
SAPEX (merged with Linc Energy)
Saracen Mineral Holdings
Scandinavian Resources
Scimitar Resources ( now Cauldron Energy )
Scotgold Resources
Sedgman Limited
Segue Resources
Senex Energy
Sentosa Mining
Shaw River Resources
Sheffield Resources
Shell Australia
Shield Mining
Shree Minerals
Siburan Resources
Sierra Mining
Signature Metals
Sihayo Gold (formerly Oropa)
Silver Lake Resources
Silver Mines
Silver Swan Group
Sino Gas & Energy
Sino Gold
Sinosteel Midwest Corporation
Sinovus Mining
Sipa Resources
Sirius Resources
Solimar Energy
Somerton Energy
South American Iron&Steel
South Boulder Mines
Southern Cross Exploration
Southern Cross Goldfields
Southern Crown Resources
Southern Gold
Southern Hemisphere Mining
Southern Pacific Petroleum
Southern Uranium
Sovereign Gold Company
Sovereign Metals
Sphere Investments
Spitfire Resources
Stanmore Coal
St Barbara
Stellar Resources
St George Mining
Stirling Minerals
Stirling Resources
Stonehenge Metals
Straits Metals
Straits Resources (now International Coal Holdings)
Strategic Energy Resources (formerly Eagle Bay Resources)
Strata Minerals
Strategic Minerals Corp
Strike Energy
Strike Resources
Striker Resources (now North Australian Diamonds)
Strzelecki Metals
Stuart Petroleum
Sub Sahara Resources (now Chalice Gold Mines)
Sultan Corporation
Sumatra Copper and Gold
Summit Resources
Sun Resources
Sundance Energy Australia
Sundance Resources
Sunset Energy
Sunshine Gas (now QGC)
Superior Resources
Swan Gold Mining
Sydney Gas (now AGL Energy)
Sylvania Platinum
Syndicated Metals
Sylvania Resources
Synergy Metals
Syrah Resources
Talga Gold
Talisman Mining
Talison Lithium
Tamaya Resources
Tanami Gold
Tangiers Petroleum
Tap Oil
Target Energy

![[TasGold ]](TGDthumbnail.jpg) |
TasGold / Frontier Resources Frontier Resources (formally TasGold ) is a junior mineral exploration company, which seeks to discover and develop copper, gold and basemetal deposits in Papua New Guinea and Australia. |
Tasman Goldfields
Tasmania Mines
Tasman Resourcesl
Tawana Resources
Tectonic Resources
Tellus Resources
Teranga Gold
Terramin Australia
Terrain Minerals
Territory Resources
Territory Uranium Company
Tethyan Copper Company
Texon Petroleum
TFS Corp
Thomson Resources
Thundelarra Exploration
Thor Mining PLC
Tianshan Goldfields
Tiaro Coal
Tiger International Resources
Tiger Resources
Timpetra Resources
Tomago Aluminium
Toodyay Resources
Top End Uranium
Toro Energy
Torrens Energy
Trafford Resources
Trajan Minerals (now Pacific Ore )
Traka Resources
Transerv Energy
Transit Holdings
Triangle Energy (Global)
Tribune Resources (now Rand Mining )
Tri Origin Minerals
Triton Gold
Troy Resources
Truscott Mining Corp
Tusker Gold
Union Resources
United Energy
United Minerals Corporation
Unity Mining
Universal Coal
Universal Resources
United Uranium
Uramet Minerals
Uranium Equities

![[ UXA]](UXAlogo.jpg) |
Uranium Exploration Australia
Uranium Exploration (UXA) has been established to explore for and develop commercial grade uranium mineralisation and associated copper and gold. The initial focus is on exploration in key target areas in South Australia and the Northern Territory. |
Uranium International
United Origin
US Nickel
Vantage Goldfields
Vector Resources
Ventnor Resources
Venture Minerals
Venturex Resources
Venus Metals
Venus Resources
Victorian Gold Mines
Victoria Petroleum
View Resources
Vital Metals
Vulcan Resources
Victory West Moly
Viking Ashanti
Vital Metals
Voyager Resources
Waratah Gold
Warwick Resources
Wasabi Energy
Washington Resources
WCP Resources

![[ Wedgetail]](wedgetail.jpg) |
Wedgetail Mining - Now Millennium Minerals
Wedgetail Mining (ASX Code: WTE) is a minerals exploration and development company with a gold project based in Western Australia. Wedgetail is focused on developing a gold operation at its Nullagine Project, in the east Pilbara region of Western Australia. |
West African Resources
West Australian Metals (now Marenica Energy)
Western Areas
Western Desert Resources
Western Manganese
Western Metals (now Indago Resources )
Western Plains Resources
Western Uranium
Westgold Resources
Westonia Mines (now Catalpa Resources )
West Peak Iron
Westralian Gas & Power
Westralian Nickel
Westside Corporation
West Wits Mining
Whinnen Resources
White Canyon Uranium
White Cliff Nickel
White Energy Company
Whitehaven Coal
White Rock Minerals
Wild Acre Metals
Wildhorse Energy
Winchester Resources
Windimurra Vanadium
Windy Knob Resources
Winmar Resources
Wolf Minerals
Worsley Alumina Pty
Xanadu Mines
Xanadu Resources
Xenolith Resources
Xstate Resources
Yellow Rock Resources
Yilgarn Mining (now Brockman Resources )
YTC Resources
Zambezi Resources
Zamia Gold Mines
Zedex Minerals (now Olympus Pacific Minerals)
Zimplats Holdings
Zinifex (now Oz Minerals)
Zeehan Zinc
Zinc Co Australia